Laboratory : Galaxies

Purpose: Is there a link between the distance of a galaxy and its velocity relative to earth?

Matériel :    

·        NED galaxies list :

·        Pen, ruler

·        You acan also use excel type program


Student laboratory report :    


from a list of galaxies (here's a small sample)
















The student draws a graph velocity vs. Distance (more galaxies more interesting will be the results)

This gives a graph like this:















We can calcuer the age of the universe as follows:

Distance (d) = speed(v) x time (t)




𝑡=𝑑/𝑣=  1/slope                 


𝑡=(3,0856776×1019)/(63,132 𝑀𝑝𝑐)  =   4,8877×1017 𝑠𝑒𝑐  =    1,5488×1010 years


                                               the 3,0856776×1019 came from the conversion of megaparsec into km


                  15,5 billons years with this small sample.